Atl Tlachinolli 7, originally uploaded by Buendia Productions.
Buendia Productions, a SsPkS contributor, will be performing thisWednesday August 25, 2010. (this show has been canceled due to the rain - Next week will be on! See the flyer below) According to Friends of Sunset Park, the multi layered artist group will be mixing it up for us beginning at 10:30 am. Here is what FoSsPk had to say about the event:
"We are thrilled to announce our first collaboration with Buendia Productions, a Sunset Park-based group of artists, musicians, dancers and film makers. Spoken word/Hip Hop, Aztec Danza performances and Outdoor Gallery Wednesday- August 25 at 10:30 am FREE and EVERYONE IS INVITED- whatever your age Performances and Outdoor Gallery by the Game Tables next to the Playground 6th Avenue + 44th Street "
Buendia Productions, a SsPkS contributor, will be performing this
"We are thrilled to announce our first collaboration with Buendia Productions, a Sunset Park-based group of artists, musicians, dancers and film makers. Spoken word/Hip Hop, Aztec Danza performances and Outdoor Gallery Wednesday- August 25 at 10:30 am FREE and EVERYONE IS INVITED- whatever your age Performances and Outdoor Gallery by the Game Tables next to the Playground 6th Avenue + 44th Street "